How picture routines can help with the morning rush

mornings routines can be a frustrating time for people with Autism. NDIS disability supports

Do you feel like you are always yelling of a morning to get out the door?

morning routine can be a frustrating time for people with autism, disability, ndis supports.
Morning routines can be frustrating, particularly for people with autism disability

Mornings can be such a hectic time in many households. Add in, supporting someone with a disability, can be quite frustrating for everyone involved.

Young children and people with Autism, language and learning disabilities can often find verbal instructions confusing, which leads to anxiety and behaviours. Often small children and people on the Autism Spectrum are visual learners and respond to pictures as opposed to auditory information.

Having to repeat every task of your routine before you leave the house?

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Does this sound familiar?

“Have you brushed your teeth?”

“Have you brushed your teeth?”

“OK, Put your shoes on”

… (5mins later)

“Put your shoes on”

… (another 5mins later)

“Puuuut yooooour shooooes oooonnn!!!!!!”

Replace yelling with pictures!

A daily picture routine schedule that displays each step of the routine will increase a child or person with a disability sense of control, over their day.

For people with Autism, and communication disorders, pictures are a concrete form of communication and can process images/pictures quicker.

See-n-Speak Now & Next Daily routine add a bright picture schedule to your day.

picture routine morning schedule autism disability supports frustration ndis supports

This board is easy to set up and comes with cards for the morning routine, after school and bedtime.

Simply take the durable PVC activity cards for the routine you are following. Attach them to the durable corflute board via the grippy velcro dots. As each task is completed, the card can then be placed down at the finish line.

A wonderful tool to support someone to meet their NDIS capacity building, and independent living skills goals. See-n-Speak is a registered NDIS provider of low-cost consumables and assistive technology

Alison Mooney

I am a mother first, Blogger and Founder of See-n-Speak Communication Picture Exchange resources for people with a Disability. Sharing our resources and knowledge successfully using picture exchange as a form of communication with our child.